We provide IT Professional Services for Healthcare's Evolving Practices and Ever Changing Policies
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Are you happy with your EMR/EHR? Is it on the ONC's Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL)? Can your EMR/EHR solution integrate with your other clinical or business systems? What about interoperability and the ability to join RHIO? We have expertise that can guide you through these tough decisions.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a huge investment. The cost per user to implement such complex and key functionality can be overwhelming, but it is imperative to look at the big picture and consider other factors such as data migration, system integration, maintenance, upgrades, security and provisioning to have an accurate projection for Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

It is equally as important to look at what the ERP solution will bring to your company as far as helping improve business processes, centralizing all important information, and a return on the ERP investment. We can help you select the right technology partner for your ERP needs.

Cloud Computing

Are your applications experiencing increased traffic and it’s becoming difficult to scale resources on the fly to meet the increasing demand?  Do you need to reduce operational costs, while increasing the effectiveness of IT processes? Do you need to establish a disaster recovery system but setting it up for an entire data center could double the cost?

We can migrate your environments to the cloud or simply do an assessment of your infrastructure to see what makes sense for your size and usage.

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